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The Importance of Self Control

"Anything that you can't function properly without has control over you."

Mastering the concept of self control is vital for growth, understanding, and patience. The basic definition of self control (self discipline) is described as the ability to control one self pertaining to one's emotions, behaviors, and desires.

As humans we desire plenty of things on this Earth. Although some desires may be plentiful and fulfilling, they can also be destructive when there is a lack of self control. In many ways, certain desires harm us more than good. According to scripture, "A person without self control is like a city with broken down walls." (PROVERBS 25:28)

Without self control, it is hard to discipline yourself making your desires control your actions, thoughts, motives, and intentions.

In just two examples, I will share the advantages of having self control and the setbacks of losing control:

1. Sex. Now sex isn't bad. God created it. The thing is, he created sex for a man and woman who came together in a form of marriage.

(GENESIS 2:24 ~This explains why a man leaves his father and mother and is joined to his wife, and the two are united into one) & (1CORINTHIANS 7:2~ But because there is so much sexual immorality, each man should have his own wife, and each woman should have her own husband).

There is a difference between GOD and GOOD

As we know, physical pleasure feels good, but outside of marriage it is not God. When we allow our flesh & lack of self control to have authority over us we seek physical pleasure in ways that aren't of God. When self control is absent, the chances of creating soul ties, having unwanted pregnancies/STDs, infidelity, watching pornography, masturbating, and being promiscuous increases. Without self control, you'll be more open to sleep/flirt with whomever, entertain multiple people at once, or cheat on your significant other. When that need to be physically satisfied overpowers you, it can be hard to deal with that spirit associated with lust. Now some may think, "It wouldn't be a sin if I had a wife/husband to lay up with." Truth is ---> NO PERSON can heal you or cure your cravings besides Jesus. Sex cannot fill that void of loneliness, urges, desires, etc because IT WILL ONLY LEAVE YOU WITH WANTING MORE! When used out of context, it can truly have you feeling lonelier than before. Trying to fill the need for physical pleasure with more intimacy/romance will only add more fuel to the fire. Getting married DOES NOT help the lust go away either. If lust is a constant struggle, that should be something you work on DURING YOUR SINGLENESS to ensure that you will not bring lust into your future marriage.

2. Wealth/Status/Acceptance. Everyone craves wealth. We all want it. We want money and a great name for ourselves. It seems that those are the only ways to be accepted in this society. There is nothing wrong with creating, working towards, and achieving your goals for a successful future. It becomes a problem when wealth/status becomes such a priority that it makes you greedy. Without self control these wants become idols. "Those who love money will NEVER have enough. How meaningless to think that wealth brings true happiness." (ECCLESIASTES 5:10). When the spirit of greed overpowers you, you look for any way to make money such as get rich quick schemes, selling drugs, stealing, scamming, and fraud. Once the fortune is obtained, many continue the action because they want more. Once receiving more, the money is mostly used on materialistic items instead of investing, or helping others. Unfortunately, a lack of self control can cause you to lose everything if you do not manage it properly.

Now on the plus side of things,

Once you gain self control over your physical desires you will truly see your life change in all aspects. Self control begins with the physical desires, but it does not end there. Having self control really enables patience. When you are controlling your desire to have sex, you are saying: Okay. I know it's hard, but it'll be worth it. This will help me focus on myself in the areas where I need to clean house. I can build more quality relationships now since I'm not allowing lust to push me to rush into things I'm not ready for. I am glorifying God with my mind, body, and spirit. When you're not rich or at your very best, it gives you patience to understand that your time is coming. Just keep pushing. Don't give up. Easy and fast money does not last. It's better to be consistent and stable rather than uneasy and manipulated. Wealth from get rich quick schemes quickly disappears; wealth from hard work grows over time (PROVERBS 13:11).


Self control gives you the option to understand that it is okay not to give in to every desire if it will not benefit you. It's a mindset that comes with time and effort. It is not easy, but it is possible. You cannot do it alone, which is why God can & he will equip you with self control! For 2TIMOTHY 1:7 says "God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of POWER, LOVE, and -- of course -- SELF DISCIPLINE." I encourage any one who may be struggling with executing self control to PRAY & TAKE ACTION. Pray that God will reveal and help you with any areas that you lack self control whether it involves sex, money, drugs, or anything else. PRAYER IS POWERFUL! Even after you pray, you have to take action! You can't ask God to help you deal with your weaknesses if you aren't willing to make changes. Not making changes and expecting different results literally drives you into the state of insanity. If you ask God to help you deal with lust--fulfill your side of the promise and cut ties with people who influence you to have sex, stop having sexual/flirtatious conversations, stop meeting up with your interest late at night, restrict yourself from watching pornography, or anything else that will lead you to fall. If you're dealing with money being an idol-- learn to be content with what you have until you get to where you're meant to be, stop envying other people's possessions, and learn to manage/budget your income.

Remember that you are not alone. Do not feel ashamed because of the secrets you deal with. We all deal with our own problems each and every day. Also remember that God will never place more on you than you can handle.

"The temptations in your life are NO DIFFERENT from what others experience. And God is faithful. He will not allow the temptation to be more than you can stand. When you are tempted, he will show you a way out so that you can endure." (1CORINTHIANS 10:13)

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